
Healthy Blue is the Medicaid plan offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) to serve North Carolinians who participate in the state Medicaid program.

Focused on the health of each member

Blue Cross NC embraces the mission to improve the health and well-being of members and communities.

On this site, you will find resources that help health care professionals do what they do best — care for our members.

Member Services: 844-594-5070
Provider Services: 844-594-5072
Behavioral Health Crisis Line: 844-594-5076

Hurricane Helene Response and Recovery

Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order 315 on September 25, 2024, which declared a state of emergency for North Carolina in anticipation of potential severe weather caused by the approach of Hurricane Helene. We are committed to North Carolina's response to and recovery from Hurricane Helene. We are working with county and federal partners to make it faster and easier for Healthy Blue members to receive, and for healthcare professionals to provide, care and services.

Reference the Hurricane Helene Policy Flexibilities to Support Providers and Members for more information regarding flexibilities effective from September 26 through December 31, 2024, unless otherwise communicated by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) for the NC Medicaid program, including NC Medicaid Direct and NC Medicaid Managed Care.

If you have any questions about this notice, contact Healthy Blue Provider Services at 844-594-5072, send an email to nc_provider@healthybluenc.com , or contact your dedicated provider relationship account consultant.

Are you in North Carolina and impacted by Hurricane Helene? Visit the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (NCDPS) website or the Red Cross to find local resources and get updates.

The North Carolina Psychiatry Access Line (NC-PAL) has resources that may be helpful in supporting patients, families, communities, and colleagues:

  • Clinical resources: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has numerous resources to help communities, families, and children navigate the impacts of natural disasters, acknowledge their feelings, and find ways to cope together. Visit the Hurricane Resources | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network for more information.
  • Helplines: For anyone dealing with emotional distress related to disasters, call or text the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990 (Press 2 for Spanish). For mental health support from a trained mental health professional, text 988. To speak to a peer living in recovery from mental health or substance use issues, call 855-PEERS NC.
  • Additional resources: For information on North Carolina Medicaid temporary flexibilities due to Hurricane Helene visit  Recent Blogs | NC Medicaid . For information on road conditions, power outages, shelters, and more, visit the Plan. Prepare. Stay Informed. | Ready NC website.

Be safe and do not travel to impacted areas.

If you have any questions about this notice, contact Healthy Blue Provider Services at 844-594-5072, email NC_Provider@healthybluenc.com, or contact your dedicated Healthy Blue Provider Relationship Account Consultant.

Medicaid Expansion Tools and Resources

As of December 1, 2023, more North Carolinians are able to get health coverage through Medicaid.

To help North Carolinians know who is eligible and how to apply, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) has a website that contains a bilingual toolkit and a sign-up form to stay updated on the most current information about how more North Carolinians will be able to get health coverage through Medicaid.

You can use these tools with your networks and communities.

Ensure our members are equipped to renew their Medicaid benefits

Help Healthy Blue members prepare to renew their Medicaid healthcare coverage and benefits by educating them on what documents are needed to ensure their renewal form is completed accurately. Members can submit their renewal form via web (preferred), phone, fax, mail, or in person.

If you have questions about eligibility, benefits, authorizations, claims status, and more, log in to Availity Essentials* and select Chat with Payer. For additional support, please use the following resources or contact us if more clarification is needed.

If you are not yet enrolled in electronic funds transfer (EFT), this is a great time to sign up! Effective November 1, 2021, EnrollSafe is the EFT enrollment website for Healthy Blue providers with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. EnrollSafe is secure and available 24 hours a day. You’ll receive your payments up to seven days sooner than through the paper check method. It’s easy to sign up. Just visit EnrollSafe at https://enrollsafe.payeehub.org to enroll in EFT. Complete the registration, then follow the prompts through the EnrollSafe secure portal to the enrollment page, which will provide the required information to receive direct deposits. If you have any questions about EFT, please contact your Healthy Blue Provider Relations representative or call Provider Services at 844-594-5072 for more information.

Provider News

Get the latest articles and announcements on claims filings, products, benefits, administrative updates, new and revised procedures and guidelines, prescription information, and more.

Known Issues Bulletin: March 21, 2025

The table provides information related to known issues impacting providers. This information will be updated weekly on Fridays.

Availity access

The Availity Portal offers health care professionals free access to real-time information and instant responses in a consistent format regardless of the payer.

At Availity you can:

Request Authorizations
Submit Claims
Confirm Eligibility

Don't have an Availity account? Register free now!

Learning opportunities

Find learning opportunities to assist with administering your patient’s health plan using Availity Essentials multi-payer features and payer spaces applications. Use the library of self-paced courses and instructor-led training sessions, available 24/7 at no cost. Be prepared with the knowledge to assist our members.

Receive Healthy Blue emails from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is now sending some Healthy Blue bulletins, policy change notifications, prior authorization update information, educational opportunities, and more to providers via email.

Featured resources

Pharmacy information

Search for up-to-date drug information, including hundreds of brand-name and generic medications.

Maternal Child Program

When it comes to our pregnant members, we are committed to keeping both mom and baby healthy. That’s why we encourage all our moms-to-be to take part in our New Baby, New LifeSM program, a comprehensive, proactive care management and care coordination program for all expectant mothers and their newborns. We also support the state’s Care Management for High Risk Pregnancy (CMHRP) program.

Behavioral health providers

We work collaboratively with hospitals, group practices and independent behavioral health care providers, community and government agencies, human service districts, and other resources to successfully meet the needs of members with mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Interested in becoming a provider in the Healthy Blue network?

We look forward to working with you to provide quality services to our members.